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$ARCHIVEPATH o:\sound\archive\
; Various death sounds
;PlayerWimpyDeath plrwdth ; no longer used
PlayerFighterNormalDeath fgtddth
PlayerFighterCrazyDeath fgtcdth
PlayerFighterExtreme1Death fgtxdth1
PlayerFighterExtreme2Death fgtxdth2
PlayerFighterExtreme3Death fgtxdth3
PlayerClericNormalDeath plrdth
PlayerClericCrazyDeath plrcdth
PlayerClericExtreme1Death clxdth1
PlayerClericExtreme2Death clxdth2
PlayerClericExtreme3Death clxdth3
PlayerMageNormalDeath mgdth
PlayerMageCrazyDeath mgcdth
PlayerMageExtreme1Death mgxdth1
PlayerMageExtreme2Death mgxdth2
PlayerMageExtreme3Death mgxdth3
PlayerFighterPain fgtpain
PlayerClericPain plrpain3
PlayerMagePain mgpain
PlayerFighterGrunt fgtgrunt
PlayerClericGrunt grunt1
PlayerMageGrunt mggrunt
PlayerLand feet4
PlayerPoisonCough pois2
PlayerFighterFallingScream fgtfall
PlayerClericFallingScream fall1
PlayerMageFallingScream mgfall
PlayerFallingSplat fallhit
PlayerFighterBurnDeath plrburn
PlayerClericBurnDeath plrburn
PlayerMageBurnDeath plrburn
PlayerFighterFailedUse fgtgrunt
PlayerClericFailedUse grunt1
PlayerMageFailedUse mggrunt
; Fighter
FighterPunchMiss punchmis
FighterPunchHitWall punch8
FighterPunchHitThing mumpun5
FighterAxeHitThing axe5
FighterHammerMiss hammis2
FighterHammerHitWall hamwal1
FighterHammerHitThing hmhit1a
FighterHammerContinuous hamfly1
FighterHammerExplode impact3
FighterSwordFire sword2
FighterSwordExplode impact3
FighterGrunt gntmis1
; Cleric
ClericCStaffFire spell1
ClericCStaffExplode glbhit4
ClericCStaffHitThing vamp5
ClericFlameFire strike3
ClericFlameExplode strike1
ClericFlameCircle firedhit
HolySymbolFire holy3
SpiritActive spirt7
SpiritAttack spirt5
SpiritDie spirts1
; Mage
MageWandFire wand4
MageLightningFire lite2
MageLightningContinuous gntpow
MageLightningReady wepele2
MageLightningZap gntact1
MageShardsFire cone3
MageShardsExplode shards1b
MageStaffFire mage4
MageStaffExplode mageball
; Pig
PigActive1 pigrunt1
PigActive2 squeal1
PigPain pigpain2
PigAttack bite4
PigDeath pigdth2
; Bishop
;BishopSight syab2d
;BishopActive stb1d
;BishopPain bshpn1
;BishopAttack pop
;BishopDeath bishdth1
;BishopMissileExplode bshhit2
;BishopBlur blur6
; Centaur
CentaurSight taur1
CentaurActive taur2
CentaurPain taur4
CentaurAttack centhit2
CentaurDeath cntdth1
CentaurLeaderAttack cntshld4
CentaurMissileExplode impact3
; Serpent
;SerpentSight wtrcrt7
;SerpentActive srfc3
;SerpentPain serppn1
;SerpentAttack wtrswip
;SerpentMeleeHit wtrhit
;SerpentDeath srpdth1
;SerpentBirth srfc1
;SerpentFXContinuous glbhiss1
;SerpentFXHit glbhit4
; Demon
DemonSight sbtsit5
DemonActive sbtsit5
DemonPain minact1
DemonAttack dematk2
DemonDeath sbtdth3
DemonMissileFire impfire2
DemonMissileExplode impact3
; Wraith
;WraithSight raith5a
;WraithActive raith3
;WraithPain raith4a
;WraithAttack raith1b
;WraithDeath rathdth2
;WraithMissileFire impfire2
;WraithMissileExplode impact3
; Maulator
MaulatorSight minsit1
MaulatorActive minact2
MaulatorPain minpain4
MaulatorHamSwing hamblo8a
MaulatorHamHit hamfir1
MaulatorMissileHit impact3
MaulatorDeath mindth4
; Ettin
EttinSight cent2
EttinActive cent2
EttinPain cent1
EttinAttack ethit1
EttinDeath cntdth1
; Fire Demon
FireDemonSpawn spawn3
FireDemonActive fired5
FireDemonPain fired2
FireDemonAttack spit6
FireDemonMissileHit firedhit
FireDemonDeath fired3
; Ice Guy
IceGuySight frosty1
IceGuyActive frosty1
IceGuyAttack frosty2
IceGuyMissileExplode shards1b
; Sorcerer Boss
;SorcererSight sorboss1
;SorcererActive sorboss2
;SorcererPain sorboss3
;SorcererSpellCast woosh3
;SorcererBallWoosh balls1
;SorcererDeathScream sordie2
;SorcererBishopSpawn bishapp
;SorcererBallPop cork
;SorcererBallBounce bounce2
;SorcererBallExplode impact3
; Dragon
;DragonSight dragsit1
;DragonActive dragsit1
;DragonWingflap wing1
;DragonAttack dragatk1
;DragonPain dragpn2
;DragonDeath dragdie2
;DragonFireballExplode mageball
; Korax
;KoraxSight korsit
;KoraxActive koract
;KoraxPain korpn1
;KoraxAttack koratk
;KoraxCommand korcom
;KoraxDeath kordth1
;KoraxStep step
; Korax Voice sounds
KoraxVoiceGreetings grtngs1
KoraxVoiceReady ready1
;KoraxVoiceBlood blood1
;KoraxVoiceGame game1
;KoraxVoiceBoard board1
;KoraxVoiceWorship wrship1
;KoraxVoiceMaybe maybe1
;KoraxVoiceStrong strong1
;KoraxVoiceFace face1
; Platform Sounds
PlatformStart dorstp3
PlatformStartMetal mtlstrt1
PlatformStop dorstp1b
StoneMove stnmv4
MetalMove mtlmv3
; Door Sounds
DoorOpen drltch3a
DoorLocked locked
DoorOpenMetal stmdr1
DoorCloseMetal drstp2
DoorCloseLight dorstp4
DoorCloseHeavy drstp7
DoorCreak drcrk5a
LavaMove lava2
WaterMove brook1
IceStartMove icemv2
EarthStartMove quake2
PickupWeapon sample11
PickupArtifact art1
PickupKey keys2a
PickupItem picup5
PickupPiece piece1 ; Pickup part of the final weapon
WeaponBuild sample11 ; Built the final weapon
UseArtifact artact1
Respawn respawn
PuzzleFailFighter fgthmm
PuzzleFailCleric clhmm
PuzzleFailMage mghmm
PuzzleSuccess puzslv
Chat chat3
BatScream bats
ClockTick tictoc
Switch1 chnswch8
Switch2 swtch6
SwitchOtherLevel puzslv1
ValveTurn swtchv4
RopePull swtchrp1
BlastRadius blastr
FlyBuzz fly3
Earthquake quake2
BellRing bellrng
TreeBreak treebrk
TreeExplode treeburn
SuitofArmorBreak armorexp
PoisonShroomPain stretch3
PoisonShroomDeath puff1
Ignite torch2
Fireball impact3 ; generic fireball projectile
GlassShatter glass5
FlechetteBounce flech4
FlechetteExplode firedhit
ThunderCrash thndr1
Teleport tport1
PotteryExplode potbrk1
Drip blddrp1
Wind wind3
ThrustSpikeRaise spike3
ThrustSpikeLower spike2
FreezeDeath icedth1
FreezeShatter icebrk1a
WaterSplash gloop1
LavaSizzle acid5
SludgeGloop muck5
StartupTick tick
EtherealTeleport ethport1
MysticIncant puzslv ; attached to each player affected
; Alternate monster pain sound (in gas cloud, lightning zapped, wraithverged)
PuppyBeat pup4
; Ambient sounds
Ambient1 insects1
Ambient2 crkets
Ambient3 crkets1
Ambient4 katydid
Ambient5 frogs
Ambient6 owl
Ambient7 bird
Ambient8 shlurp
Ambient9 bubble
Ambient10 drop2
Ambient11 rocks
Ambient12 chains
Ambient13 gong
Ambient14 steel1
Ambient15 steel2
$MAP 1 Winnowr
$MAP 2 Jachr
$MAP 3 Simonr
$MAP 4 Wutzitr
;$MAP 5 Falconr
;$MAP 6 Levelr
;$MAP 7 Chartr
;$MAP 8 Swampr
;$MAP 9 Deepr
;$MAP 10 Fubasr
;$MAP 11 Grover
;$MAP 12 Fortr
;$MAP 21 Foojar
;$MAP 22 Sixater
;$MAP 23 Wobabyr
;$MAP 24 Cryptr
;$MAP 25 Fantar
;$MAP 26 Blechr
;$MAP 27 Voidr
;$MAP 28 Chap_1r
;$MAP 29 Chap_2r
;$MAP 30 Chap_3r
;$MAP 31 Chap_4r
;$MAP 32 Chippyr
;$MAP 33 Percr
;$MAP 34 Secretr
;$MAP 35 Bonesr
;$MAP 36 Octor
;$MAP 37 Rithmr
;$MAP 38 Stalkr
;$MAP 39 Borkr
;$MAP 40 Crucibr
;$MAP 13 cryptr
;$MAP 14 swampr
$MAP 0 hexen
$MAP 0 hub
;$MAP 0 hall
$MAP 0 orb
$MAP 0 chess